Just last week we added another baby to our home bringing our number of residents to 8. His name is Mateo and was born at 30 weeks (about 7 months into the pregnancy). He was abandonded at the hospital at birth and has struggled with respiratory problems ever since. He came to us weighing about 4 pounds! He is literally smaller then some of the dolls our other kids play with.
I don´t have a picture of her, but baby Lily has learned how to roll over and over and over again. She is really kind of comical when she gets herself rolled into a corner that she can´t get out of! She looks at a toy and gets a very determined look on her face...it won´t be long till she starts inching along on her tummy which in turn will lead to crawling. We are all very impressed by how strong and chubby she has gotten in just a few short months!
Over the next several weeks we are expecting several new arrivals. So far I know about 2 more boys with heart conditions, a baby girl with facial deformities that don´t allow her to drink from a bottle, and a little boy that has digestive problems. Very soon PDC will be a full house! And all of them arriving just as I´m leaving, thats makes me sad! But I will have plenty of time to bond with them when I return to Bolivia in late October.
Please be in prayer for all the staff and new volunteers at PDC as we accept all these new little ones. Many of them are undernorished and underdeveloped. Some of them will be requiring surgeries or even multiple surgeries. Please pray also for my time in the states. I need to raise a significant amount of money in order to be able to stay on in Bolivia for another year. My monthly budget is about $1000 and I need about $1400 for my second year visa and health insurance. If you are able and would like to contribute to my support you can mail a check to Operation Harvest P.O. Box 1410 Burbank, CA 91507. Thanks!